Seegene: The technology for “Protecting our Everyday”


Established 20 years ago in Seoul, South Korea, Seegene is a pioneer in the development of proprietary high multiplex real-time PCR technologies, capable of detecting multiple targets simultaneously. Seegene has established global sales networks covering more than 60 countries around the world, and 7 overseas subsidiaries in North and South America, Europe and the Middle East that drive and support Seegene’s global business operation.

In 2014, the subsidiary, Seegene Middle East was established in the UAE. The entity works closely with government hospitals, laboratories and large health care service providers. James Park, President of Seegene Middle East shared his joy earlier this month on the regional office turning six. “It has been a rewarding journey of trust that Seegene has established and grown over the years.

“Molecular Diagnostics has been a functional sector and industry for many years but the awareness was largely within the healthcare industry, researchers and service providers. Now, as the world undergoes a transition in the way of life during Covid times, there has been an increase of awareness about PCR tests and technologies. The role of molecular diagnostics (MDx) products has become more common and familiar. People are mindful of how innovation in this field is the light that they seek at the end of the tunnel. We are the largest suppliers of MDx products and PCR tests in the region and one of the leading companies in the MDx sector globally.”

Seegene’s products identify and provide a wide range of clinical information integral to diagnosis and care, enabling healthcare professionals to select the best treatment in the early stages of disease. “The Middle East market relies on brand power to select their products of use. It was not easy to establish our presence, especially as our industry is very specialised and limited. Our customers are decision makers across the spectrum of healthcare service providers. They represent a very sensitive industry sector and most of them have been educated in other countries, which impacts the preferences of their choice. At the onset we worked very closely with local companies, collected data, analysed the market and began to build trust with establishments,” Park said.

Seegene products play a vital role in safeguarding humanity from disease and in allowing individuals to lead a healthy life. “We pursue innovation and take on new challenges to open a new paradigm of diagnostics in medicine and healthcare. Our consistent growth, innovation and global presence led to our progressive rise above the brand competition. However, our products are comparatively more expensive and this also came as an obstacle within this region where there are gaps in medical insurance coverage. In spite of these challenges we were able to establish a good reputation by virtue of customer satisfaction, the reliability and quality of our products plus global presence,” he added. “We see a long standing presence and growth in the region. Our foundation is strong and the respect we have earned will take us forward keeping healthy ties.”