Sharjah Municipality licenses 33 new private parking lots


Sharjah: Sharjah City Municipality (SCM) has issued 33 licences for private parking lots in different areas of the city, and renewed licences for 155 other private lots since the beginning of this year.

The move is part of the Sharjah civic body’s efforts to preserving the aesthetic appearance of the emirate. The licensed private parking lots provide a safe place for vehicles and avoid any damages that may be caused by random parking in the sandy areas. They also help reduce random parking in sandy areas.

20,000 parking spaces

Khalid bin Falah Al Suwaidi, Assistant General Manager for the Customer Services Sector, said that there are 300 investment parking lots yards in Sharjah that are licensed by the municipality and supervised by the Public Parking Department. Together, they contain nearly 20,000 paid parking spaces.

Ali Ahmad Abu Ghazin, director of the Public Parking Department in Sharjah City Municipality, emphasised that the investment parking lots yards are licensed by the municipality according to set of criteria and conditions. He affirmed that the municipality provides the institution or investor a permit to practice this commercial activity and installing a board that shows the facility’s name, numbers of parking lots and fees. He stated that the municipality protects these facilities from malpractices such as parking for long periods without paying fees or parking the vehicle in a wrong way.