Navigating Dubai’s Gold Souk is now easier with a 3D map


Dubai: Navigating Dubai’s Gold Souk has now become easier with a click of a button. The Dubai Gold & Jewellery Group (DGJG), in cooperation with Dubai Police General Command, launched on Wednesday the ‘City of Gold Explore Map’ that offers customers all information about shops at Gold Souk.

“By scanning a QR code, customers will have access to all necessary information and services as well as enabling them to have a list of contact numbers of the concerned authorities at Dubai Police when making complaints or filing reports,” said Major General Abdullah Ali Al Ghaithi, Director of Dubai Police General Department of Organisations Protective Security and Emergency.

Visitors scanning the QR Code at the kiosk
Image Credit: Supplied

“The QR code-based Smart Inquiry Project will serve as a guide for customers and tourists of the Dubai Gold Souk. It will assist them to explore and walk around the market by providing details on the shops and their products and how to find them. The service will also serve as a communication channel between customers and Dubai Police to foster a sense of safety and security among Dubai visitors,” he underlined.

The QR code is found at the entrance of Gold Souk’s main atrium. Al Ghaithi said customers and tourists can scan the QR once they enter the Gold Souk to get all details about the shops and the contact numbers they may need in case of emergencies.

DGJG chairman Tawhid Abdullah added: “Maps are one the most accessed feature on our mobiles and we as an industry wanted to be prepared for this growing trend. Our City of Gold Explore Map will simply enhance the shopping experience and give our visitors access to all the stores available within the Souk. The map will be the perfect shopping companion for the millions of shoppers who will flock to the souk during the upcoming festive and Dubai Shopping Festival season.”

According to DGJG, the 3D map covers a detailed street view of over 100 jewellery stores located under the traditionally carved roofed walkways that houses millions of designs of jewellery in gold, silver, diamonds and other precious stones and metals. It has straightforward user interface that is compatible with all smartphone devices.